Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Medical Group
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Breathe easier with help from our expert allergists

Asthma is a chronic disease affecting nearly 25 million Americans, many of them children. Asthmatic individuals suffer from chronically inflamed airways, which can become even more swollen and begin restricting airflow to the lungs in the event of an asthma attack. About 60 percent of patients with asthma have allergic asthma, meaning that their asthma attacks are triggered by exposure to allergens. In this type of asthma, it is extremely important to seek assistance from a qualified allergist who can identify and aggressively treat your allergies to prevent them from causing frequent asthma attacks.


At Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Medical Group, we have ample experience in the diagnosis of allergic asthma, as well as other types of asthma including exercise-induced asthma, cough-variant asthma, and occupational asthma. We are also skilled in identifying and treating conditions that mimic asthma, and we can ensure patients with such conditions are not over medicated or prescribed the wrong medications. The first step to reaching a diagnosis is typically to collect a case history from the patient by asking questions about common asthma symptoms like shortness of breath, chest tightness, chronic coughing, or wheezing. Next, we will perform a spirometry or pulmonary function test to measure the capacity of your lungs and the speed at which you are able to inhale or exhale. This will give us an idea of the severity of your asthma. Finally, we may perform allergy tests to help identify any allergic triggers that may be causing asthma attacks.


We can provide treatment for the asthma itself as well as for the underlying allergies that may be triggering your attacks. These treatments can help manage the conditions but typically not cure them. Treatments for asthma include inhalers and medications. Treatments for allergies vary according to the type of allergy. For some allergic conditions such as food allergies, your only option is to avoid exposure to the allergen. For other allergies such as hay fever, pills and nasal sprays may be useful. Certain individuals may be able to reduce your allergic symptoms and medication requirements through immunotherapy. You can rest assured that our doctors will select the best treatment plan to deliver maximum relief in your unique case.

Ready to breathe easier? Schedule an appointment at one of our three convenient locations today.